
The Courthouse: We have a functional and adequate courthouse. We must maintain it properly. We don’t need a new courthouse nor should the taxpayers be expected to pay for a new courthouse. If commissioners over the past 40 years have failed to maintain our courthouse, what reason do we have to think they would maintain a new courthouse any better.

Inefficient Building Permit process: The ability for people and businesses to build in the county is of paramount importance. People need homes and jobs, both are based on efficient and responsible building practices. Currently there are people who have been waiting years for their building permits, this is unacceptable and something we might expect in a 3rd world country, but NOT in America.

The Menacing Pocket Gopher: This issue has been a persistent problem since 2012 and must be resolved at the root. The Pocket Gopher is not a threatened species, even though SPECIAL INTERESTS have used their influence to make it seem that way. Bad policies, not science have used the pocket gopher as an excuse to prevent responsible building in the county, with two goals, revenue generation and depopulation of the rural areas of Thurston County.

Environment: Here in Thurston County we have a fine combination of well preserved seashore, forests, rural farming areas and small cities. But much of this is being marred by the county’s permissiveness towards homeless camps. These camps release raw ,human sewage into our waterway, sensitive wetlands and salmon habitat. It does no good to put billions of dollars into salmon habitat restoration of we so willingly allow this habitat to be destroyed. These camp also degrade the environment by creating huge volumes of trash much of which is hazardous. These camps must be removed and the answer is fairly simple, enforce the law, and make a pathway to jobs.

We also have nitrate issues in the sound. On these issues we must work with the state, but again there are some good solutions available to us. Shellfish farming is a natural and effective way of cleaning waterways. This solution would be a collaboration between the county, state and shellfish farmers. This way we can clean the environment, create jobs and NOT raise taxes!